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Luoyang grossed all-record high revenue in Spring Festival

|ChinaNews|2018-12-29 16:12:29

Reports shows that Luoyang city raked in a total amount of 1.58 billion Yuan following the just ended spring festival, a 28.5% increase from last year's. During the Chinese New Year holidays a staggering  2.62 million visitors from both domestic and overseas have joined this grand blast.

This increase in the number of tourists can be attributed to several factors like the various activities that were introduced this year to enrich the nightlife experience for both tourists and local residents alike. The 10-mile silver beach lightened by lanterns and other temples fairs have encouraged prolonged consumption habits for visitor, as a result contributing to Luoyang raking money that boosted the city's economic situation.

Luoyang grossed all-record high revenue in Spring Festival

A great number of beneficial policies were also introduced to appeal to tourists. Several renowned attractions were free of charge during festival season. They included the Mausoleum of Guangwu Emperor of Han dynasty, Longma Temple(the birthplace of Bagua-Taoism cosmology) and the residence of great calligrapher Wangduo in Qing dynasty. Other sightseeing places undertook discounted fares, included the Xiaolangdi Dam, Dinosaur Geopark in Ruyang city and the brewery of Dukang Chinese spirit.  

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