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Luoyang accelerates the transformation from "tourism city" to "urban tourism"

|ChinaNews|2019-05-13 10:19:36

During the peony cultural festival this year, the tourist market of Luoyang is particularly prosperous. It has taken the measure for the first time to promote the linkage of cities and counties to benefit citizens, like "urban attractions + ticket discounts", to achieve effective guidance of passenger flow and comprehensively enhance the peony cultural festival tourism attraction, which boosted the transformation from "tourism city" to "urban tourism".


Tourists who had tickets of 10 city attractions such as in Longmen grottoes, GuanLin, White horse temple, Wangcheng park, can get half- price or free admission in 30 county attractions including Baiyun mountain in Song County, Meishan in Xin’an County. It had attracted more visitors to the county tourism, amplified the guide effect of peony brand and extended the stay time of tourists.

This year, Luoyang put forward the activities about the linkage of cities and counties in the overall plan for the first time in the peony cultural festival. The person from Luoyang Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, said the move aims to explore cultural and tourism resources of counties, guide to adopt policies that benefit citizens and organize cultural tourism activities promoting the tourism consumption, and the development of all-for-one tourism. (Chinese information and photo via Luoyang Daily)


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