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When Foreigners Meets Hanfu in Luoyang

|ChinaNews|2023-09-19 18:09:22

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"The feeling of wearing Hanfu is really wonderful," said Jalal and his family from Bangladesh. Recently, they wore Chinese traditional clothing "Hanfu" and visited Luoyi Ancient City to experience intangible cultural heritage. They expressed their heartfelt feelings about the Chinese traditional culture. 

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Jalal and his wife Samira are foreign teachers at Henan University of Science and Technology and Luoyang Institute of Technology, respectively, and their 16-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son also receive education in Luoyang. Since coming to Luoyang in 2018, the family has fallen in love with the city and its profound and diverse culture.

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"Hanfu is a national fashion trend that originated in Luoyang." Nowadays, donning traditional Hanfu has become a cultural trend and a new fashion in Luoyang. Jalal's family has been attracted by the unique charm of Hanfu and its related culture. Impressed by the traditional Chinese culture, Jalal and his family would like to have a "time travel" back to ancient times to feel it.

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As the sleeves of Hanfu fluttered in the immersive "time travel" with the traditional Chinese garment, Jalal and his family understand more about Luoyang, and their love for this city also becomes stronger.

(Source: lyd.com.cn)

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