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Dong Mingzhu Wears Hanfu and Tours Luoyi Ancient City: Praises Luoyang's Cultural Tourism

|ChinaNews|2024-05-17 14:47:35

Recently, Dong Mingzhu, Chairman and President of Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, appeared in Luoyang, wearing Hanfu and touring Luoyi Ancient City. Videos of her visit have made their way to the trending lists on multiple internet platforms, arousing attention from netizens. During her visit, Dong not only praised Luoyang's practice of leveraging Hanfu to promote the transformation and development of cultural tourism but also claimed that, "It is because of my visit to Luoyang that allows me to wear Hanfu for the first time in my life."

Until now, related videos of Dong wearing Hanfu on the Douyin have garnered tens of millions of views.

In recent years, Luoyang has seized the trend of accelerating the development of the new cultural tourism industry, putting its highlight on "disruptive creativity, immersive experiences, youthful consumption, and mobile communication," vigorously developing new cultural tourism formats, and continuously enriching immersive consumption scenarios.

With the spring up of new consumption scenarios integrating Hanfu experiences, spatial gameplay, and immersive interactions, along with the introduction of various service initiatives aimed at "delighting tourists with diverse ways", Luoyang will continue to enhance its charm and vitality, becoming the wonderland of more and more people.

(Source: www.lyd.com.cn)

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