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Luoyang's Cultural and Tourism Resources Get Advertised by CATV to Rest of World

|ChinaNews|2024-05-31 17:47:03

Recently, China Arab TV (CATV) posted several videos on its official Facebook and YouTube accounts to present Luoyang's cultural and tourism highlights to the rest of the world. Ayoub Bechrouri, a Moroccan anchor of CATV, along with Dandan, an anchor of Luoyang Daily, put on Hanfu (traditional attire of the Han ethnic group) and took an immersive tour of Luoyi Ancient City, where they learned about the unique historical heritage and felt the charm of Luoyang as an ancient capital.

A video snapshot featuring Ayoub Bechrouri (left) and Dandan in Luoyi Ancient City

During the trip, Bechrouri visited the Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang Museum and Luoyi Ancient City. He also watched an immersive performance titled "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River" and gave a thumbs up for the trip.

In recent years, Luoyang has persisted in shaping its tourism industry with its cultural resources while highlighting its cultural charm through tourism. Through the integration of cultural tourism, cultural creativity, and cultural innovation, the city has been implementing the strategies of "revolutionary creativity, immersive experience, youthful consumption, and promotion via mobile terminals", emphasizing the modernized and youthful expression of its traditional culture to make itself, as a city with a reputed history, appealing to more people. The continuous improvement of Luoyang's brand influence and international reputation has also been contributing to the growing popularity of the city within the global community.


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