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Luoyang Museums Attracts over 250,000 Visitors During Dragon Boat Festival

|ChinaNews|2024-06-14 17:51:08

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Luoyang's museums and cultural heritage sites welcomed approximately 250,000 visitors.

At the Luoyang Folklore Museum, visitors enjoyed enchanting folk music represented by Luoyang Poseidon and celebrations of traditional clothing, immersing themselves in China’s vibrant cultural heritage. At the Luoyang Zhougong Temple Museum and the Museum of Emperor's Six Drivers in King Zhou City, children created traditional lacquer fans under the instructions of expert guides, learning the important cultural stories behind this craft along the way. At the Commemoration of the Office of the Eight Route Army of Luoyang, visitors were taught how to handmake paper with personalized floral patterns, using only ancient paper-making and printing techniques.

In addition, popular destinations like Guanlin and the Luoyang Museum of Ancient Tombs provided a variety of special activities. To accommodate high demand, many museums extended free volunteer guide services and introduced green channels and special services for individuals with access needs, providing a pleasant holiday experience for all.

(Source: www.lyd.com.cn)

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