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29 Foreign Friends from 24 Countries Gave Luoyang Their Likes

|ChinaNews|2024-07-25 18:23:17

29 Foreign Friends from 24 Countries Gave Luoyang Their Likes_fororder_laowais

Recently, 29 internet influencers,self-media bloggers from 24 countries such as Russia, Brazil, and India formed a group and "checked in" in Luoyang. They went to the YTO Group Corporation,the Neighborhood Center of Wuhan Road,Jianxi District, Luoyi Ancient City and so on, and experienced the development and history of Luoyang comprehensively.

At the YTO Agriculture Cultivation Museum, the influencers, guided by the staff, test-drived four YTO wheeled tractors. "China's smart manufacturing is shocking, and driving this tractor is as easy as playing a game." exclaimed Bhuvani Tharan Arumugam, an Indian self-media blogger.

At the Neighborhood Center of Wuhan Road, Jianxi District of Luoyang Municipality, the foreign influencers followed the residents of the neighborhood to learn folk dance, experience traditional Chinese medicine health care projects, and learn to make lacquer fans, an intangible cultural heritage."Chinese people are so happy to live here." remarked Russian self-media blogger Maksim Boitsov.

As night fell, the foreign internet influencers donned Hanfu (traditional Chinese attire) and visited Luoyi Ancient City. They mingled with the crowds, watched performances, and voiced their appreciation of China's intangible cultural heritage. Pakistani vlogger Mahzaib expressed her desire to return to Luoyang next April to see the blooming peonies, and hopes her content will inspire more international fans to visit this beautiful city.

(Source: Luoyang Tourism)

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