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Luoyi Ancient City Area: Fantastic Night of Intertwined Tradition and Modernity

|ChinaNews|2024-08-23 09:44:17

Luoyi Ancient City Area: Fantastic Night of Intertwined Tradition and Modernity_fororder_洛邑古城片区

Since Luoyang's cultural tourism boom, the Luoyi Ancient City area has become a must-visit hotspot, beloved for its deep historical roots and distinctive architecture. Those features are the highlights of the "Ancient Capital Nights" event. As the night falls, the fill lights in the Luoyi Ancient City Scenic Area shine like stars, setting up the stage for tourists dressed up in Hanfu (traditional Chinese attire) to snap that once-in-a-lifetime photo.

In the Luoyi Ancient City Scenic Area, intangible cultural heritage handcrafts and innovative cultural products in trend are displayed at many stores. As a new landmark in Luoyang's cultural tourism scene, Luoyi Ancient City not only cultivates the inheritance and promotion of intangible cultural heritages by bringing in relevant stores such as the Tang Tri-Color Glazed Ceramics and the Ruyang Liu's Brush, but has also attracted the presences of various cultural product shops and recreations. Dressed to impress and enjoying the sights, visitors can also indulge in local culinary delights. Crossing the Scenic Area and strolling to Cross Street, the aroma of gastronomy instantly greets the nose. Nowadays, with numerous soup houses beginning to sell soup at night, the Eastern Drum Tower Lamb Mutton Entrails Soup House has become one of the youth's favorite must-go spots.


(Source: lyd.com.cn)

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